Monday, June 13, 2005

WHAT THE ...............

OMG!!!! Michael Jackson found innocent?!?!?

You have GOT to be kidding me!! I am absolutely disgusted with our so called Justice System. The jurors in this case were obviously star-struck by the never ending parade of washed up actors trying to grab another 15 minutes in the spotlight by testifying on his behalf. I wonder how much it cost him to get two out of work actors, who have both been known drug abusers, to say that they weren't molested by Michael? Hmmmmm....... maybe the same ammount it costs to buy a gram of coke and an ounce of weed???? It turns my stomach to think that we live in a society that is so blinded by celebrity that it will allow someone to prey openly on it's children.

I wonder how long it will be before we see pictures of him at Neverland dancing around with a new group of victims? Any parent that allows their child to associate with Michael Jackson so be convicted of ignorance, forced to give up parental rights and their reproductive organs cut out with a butter knife!


Anonymous said...

the "Any Parent" is the key. Santa Monica choose the wrong victim/family in this case. They choose a family that is completely unreliable. Like one juror said, she believe he did it, but there was not enough evidence for a criminal convistion....

... CIVIL Case will be completely different!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember when the verdict was going to be announced in the trial against the police officers that beat Rodney King, my dad told me that if the cops got off, I wasn't going to be allowed to leave the house. He feared for my safety in the riots that would undoubtedly occur. I am trying to think of the Jackson verdict as a way of preventing riots across the country! I couldn't imagine the violence that would have occured with a guilty verdict! When someone asked me if I thought he was guilty or innocent, I just had to think about whether or not I would send my son to his house, or if I would even allow him in mine....and that is answer enough!

Anonymous said...

they say stevie wonder testified that he had never seen michael molest a young boy !!! what more proof do you need ?

ImJust1CrzyJu said...

Too bad there isn't going to BE a civil case. They lost this case for no other reason than the jury "hated the mother". It's such a shame that he can get proclaimed innocent for doing what he did.

You should have to qualify for a license to have a kid nowadays.