Friday, July 01, 2005

My Name in Print....I Am Somebody Now!

If you haven't read your Commercial Appeal today - make sure to check out the story on the front page of the M section. It's called Cyberspace Confessional and my little blog here is mentioned. Keep on reading.......maybe on day we will be famous :)


Anonymous said...

The article was good but they just had to pick the one about the pooper scooper baggie thing. Why couldn't they mention the Child Support blog,(that is the funniest thing I have ever read)? Who knows just maybe the case worker would get back to you, you know she doesn't have time to read your file because she is reading blogs instead.

Anonymous said...

hello fellow blogger..
article was good.
And how much to throw doody on someones roof.

Rip W.

Anonymous said...

I am flat tickled , i knew you would be famous someday , dontya wish they woulda picked another entry to put in there than your daughter handlin dookie ? oh well just goes to show she is good at whatever she does huh ?