Thursday, April 27, 2006

He's A Girl!!!

So we went for our 18 week ultrasound on Tuesday. Honey kept telling everyone that was when we were going to see the baby’s “boy parts”. However, because God has a wonderful sense of humor……….he is a girl.

That’s right – our new little bundle of joy is going to be a baby girl. Honey and I are both very excited (at least he says he’s excited…..I’m not really buying it yet). I was actually a little upset that we weren’t having a boy because with the two girls we could really use a change of drama. I was really looking forward to getting to write about 1st football practices and snake handling instead of the same old female drama we encounter on a daily basis. Oh well, I guess I’m just not supposed to be a boy mama. However, Honey is now on the lookout for a pink football because he says the he’s teaching SOMEBODY to play football. So, it looks like this new baby girl is going to be molded into a snake-handling tomboy even if it kills her daddy.

So folk, in September I will be giving birth to another beautiful little girl. At that point Baby Girl will be 9 and Bug will be 3. Hmmmm………I guess that means I’ve got another 18 years of being stupid because just about the time that Baby Girl realizes I’m not an idiot, Bug will be 13 and I will be a drooling moron. By the time Bug is old enough to realize the error of her ways, the new baby will be 15 and I will STILL be stupid. Good Heavens – I’m going to be 52 years old before anyone in my house thinks I am capable of dressing myself and I’m NEVER going to get to go to the bathroom alone again until they put me in a home! What have I done?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!! And by the way you know what all you have done to be put through the drama again. haha

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Just remember it takes someone VERY special to raise girls I have one & three boys and the one drives me crazy ten times worse then the boys all together!! You are special & God realizes it!! Or as they also say you will get back from your kids ten times what you gave to your parents, so ask yourself was I a handful as a kid??

Anonymous said...


I can't wait to see you on the 19th!

Anonymous said...

Put a picture of your bellyo n this website.

Anonymous said...

Had the baby yet?