Friday, September 28, 2007

I've Been Inspired..........Watch Out Erma Bombeck

OK – I have officially been inspired. Last week my Mother told me about an article in the paper in Memphis about this woman that was getting a LOT of attention about her blog ( where she tells stories about her FAMILY!! Hello…..isn’t that what I’ve been doing on a not quite so consistent basis for the last three years?!?! I mean, just because I only manage to post once or twice every three or four months doesn’t mean that I don’t have the same goals right? I mean, who’s to say that just because she is consistent and manages to post EVERY day while wrangling SIX kids and a husband that she’s better than me? Right? Hello?? Yeah, that’s what I thought too so I’ve made a resolution………..again.

From now on, I am going to blog EVERY day……….even if I don’t have anything to say (like THAT would ever happen). I am making a pledge to be consistent and “stay the course” until I get some attention. I want a book deal!! I want to be able to dedicate my time to being a wife, mother and an International Literary Superstar. I feel that this is a good goal and totally obtainable………..right?? So, here goes. I promise to remember the “little people” when I am so incredibly famous that Oprah will have to talk to “my people” before she can have my literary works of genius added to her book club (just kidding Oprah………I would LOVE for you to read my book……….and have your people call my people and whatever else incredibly famous people like us do).

So, spread the word to everyone you know. If they want to be able to say, “I read her when she was just a blogger in a corn field” they’d better start reading now. Lord only knows how much longer I will be able to be hosted here before I’m asked to move due to inadequate bandwith to handle all of my traffic.

HA!! Sometimes I even amuse myself.


Rick said...

See, it worked. I saw your comment on Dawn's blog and I checked yours out. Now you're on your way to stardoom.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i think i have managed to read your entire blog, do keep it up you are fun. I did leave some comments though on a few things that particularly caught my funny bone. I also read your link on dawns blog so it is working :-)
Hugs Laura

Anonymous said...

Yeah, especially when you write something so intriguing as your toddler ripping the curtain off the dressing room while you're trying on bathing suits... Makes one think, "That's FUNNY! Who is she?"

Tennesseegal said...

I am a faithful reader of that other blog as well as yours and I would say that you do have what it takes to make for a really hilarious book so get on that would you?