Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Force is Strong in The Bean

I need to preface by letting you know that, among other things, I babysit kids (don't laugh). I have three siblings that come every morning before school and eat breakfast. The morning conversation is always interesting and usually entertaining but this particular conversation almost made me shoot coffee out of my nose.

The kids had brought donuts on this particular morning and they are all at the table bragging about how many each of them can eat. The oldest boy, Zookeeper, says he can eat 4. The middle boy, Wrasslin, says he can eat 6. The little sister, Blanket, says she can eat 200, to which Bean replies, "you can't even count to 200". Blanket says, "I can count to 10" to which Bean replies, "we'll that's not the same now is it?"

Bless Blanket's little heart, the sarcasm was lost on her but I was jumping up and down on the inside. It was at that
moment that I was sure that my baby is going to wield the sword of sarcasm with great power and that makes me very proud.

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